November 11, 2020 3 min read

What is it?? This is something that many people are taking for granted. When someone is having skin conditions like pigment spots, acne, wrinkles, sensitive skin, dehydrated skin, the first thing that comes to their minds is to have just a “miracle moisturizer” to address that condition. Does it work this way?? NO.
它是什么呢? 这是许多人认为理所当然的事情。 有些人色素沉淀,痤疮,皱纹,敏感皮肤,皮肤干燥等皮肤状况时,脑海里想到的第一件事就是使用“奇迹保湿霜”来解决这种状况。 这样行吗?不。

If you want to have a normal healthy and beautiful skin, it’s important that you follow an essential skin care regime.  

What is an essential skin care regime?

Daily 日常

Cleanser 洁面霜

Toner 收缩水
Day & Night Care 早晚护肤霜
Sun Protection 防晒

Weekly 每周

Cleanser 洁面霜
Exfoliator 磨砂膏
Toner 收缩水
Day & Night Care 早晚护肤霜

However if the skin condition is serious, then you need to have more concentrated skin treatment care products which contain high potency actives to accelerate the treatments of the specific skin condition.  

From the list above, what do you see first? Cleanser!  Yes, Cleansing is the first step to beautiful skin. Why?  

Our skin secretes sebum from the sebaceous glands, and the skin renews its skin cells every 28 days. In order to keep the skin in its healthy state, it is important to choose a cleanser that is suitable for the skin type and condition. 

For eg, if a skin is dry, and if you choose a cleanser which is meant for oily skin, it may rip the skin off the sebum that is so much needed for the dry skin. In this situation, the dry skin becomes even drier, as the sebum’s function is to moisturize the skin and prevent skin’s hydration from evaporating.

Vice versa, if you choose a rich milky cleanser for an oily skin condition, then this would aggravate the oily skin condition resulting in clogged pores and comedones.  

我们的皮肤从皮脂腺分泌皮脂,皮肤每28天更新一次皮肤细胞。 为了让皮肤保持健康状态,选择适合皮肤类型和状况的洁面霜是非常重要的。 例如,如果皮肤干燥,而您选择了油性皮肤的洁面霜,这可能会使皮脂脱落,皮脂正是干燥皮肤所需要的。 在这种情况下,干性皮肤将变得更加干燥,因为皮脂的功能是滋润皮肤并防止皮肤的水分蒸发。 反之亦然,如果您为油性皮肤状况选择丰富的乳状洁面霜,则会加剧油性皮肤状况,导致毛孔和粉刺堵塞。

Not all cleansers are the same in effectiveness. A good quality cleanser will not alter the pH value of your skin which serves as an acid mantle protection against microbes, and also maintaining the natural moisturizing factor and the essential sebum of your skin. Cleansers can come in different textures i.e. milk, gel, foam, oil, clay & etc. Each is intended for specific skin type and condition.  You must know what is suitable and good for you! Choose the right one to help and not to disturb your skin.
并非所有洁面霜的功效都相同。 优质的洁面霜不会改变您的皮肤的pH值,而该pH值可以保护皮肤免受微生物的酸液侵袭,并保持皮肤的天然保湿因子和基本皮脂。 洁面霜可以有不同的质感,例如牛奶,凝胶,泡沫,油,粘土等。每种不同的洁面霜都针对特定的皮肤类型和状况。 您必须知道什么是合适并且对您有好处的! 选择合适的,以帮助您而不干扰您的皮肤。

If any of the above is disturbed, the skin’s normal functions will be affected.  The skin would either become too sensitive, itchy, dry, oily, dehydrated or premature wrinkles & etc.
如果以上任何一项受到干扰,将会影响皮肤的正常功能。 皮肤会变得过于敏感,发痒,干燥,油腻,脱水或过早的皱纹等。

As for the skin exfoliator, it’s important to know the texture of your epidermal layer, before deciding on using a particular exfoliator. If a skin is overly exfoliated, this might cause a lot of skin problems, especially when the skin protective barrier is seriously damaged.  When this happens, microbes and pollutants can penetrate into your skin to cause havoc, and the skin would loose its ability to get rid of toxins. The microbiome of skin will also become imbalanced, and causing it to loose its protection ability. What follows again is a complex skin problem situation due to the malfunction of skin.  
至于皮肤磨砂膏,在决定使用特定的磨砂膏之前,就必须了解表皮层的质地。去角质过度可能会引起很多皮肤问题,尤其是当皮肤保护屏障严重受损时。 发生这种情况时,微生物和污染物会渗入您的皮肤,造成严重破坏,并且皮肤会失去其排出毒素的能力。 皮肤的微生物组也将变得不平衡,并导致其保护能力丧失。 接下来也会因皮肤故障而导致复杂的皮肤问题情况。 

Since cleansing is the first step to beautiful skin, it’s important to know and to choose the right one as per your skin type and condition, which protects and maintains the healthy state of skin even after the cleansing and the exfoliation.  


Cleanser is important to help to get rid of dirt, impurities, excessive sebum from the skin and the exfoliator’s job is to accelerate the slow dead cell renewal so that they don’t clog up the pores of the skin which can cause comedones like blackheads & whiteheads.  In the worse case,  inflamed acne skin.  

When you use a high quality cleanser and exfoliator which is skin friendly, the skin will return to its homeostasis immediately. In this way, the skin is all well prepped to receive whatever other skin care products that you are using lateron.  You can then optimize the effects of these skin care to yield the desired result.  If you select and use a wrong cleanser or exfoliator, your skin will not be able to absorb other skin care products to deliver the functions, and your investment in skin care will be wasted. 
当您使用对皮肤友善的高质量洁面霜和磨砂膏时,皮肤将立即恢复稳态。 这样,您的皮肤就可以做好准备,接受日后使用的任何护肤产品。 您就可以透过这些护肤品,来达到所需和最好的效果。 如果您选用错误的洁面霜和磨砂膏,您的皮肤将无法吸收其他护肤产品来发挥其功能,从而浪费了您在护肤品上的投资。


If you are not too sure about your requirements, you may book a One-To-One Virtual Skin Consultation with our Skin Expert, so that you can make your investment in your personal skin care worthwhile.  

Beaubelle One-To-One Virtual Skin Consultation Service


The value of BEAUBELLE is to encourage you to age joyfully with the Harmony of Body, Mind & Soul. Embrace aging and be proud of each year of your age.  
BEAUBELLE的价值在于鼓励您以身, 心, 灵的和谐, 快乐的心来迎接衰老, 为自己的年龄感到自豪。

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